As I write this, I pray that my heart and true intent is heard. I write this humbly and graciously. I'm writing this for myself because this is something I struggle with and God is allowing me to see the other end of it and I have been very convicted.
I get worked up over things and get offended very easy and hurt just as easy. When I get hurt, I tend to get upset and angry. When something someone does or says hurts or offends me (whether they truly are wrong or whether what they say is true and that is why it is offensive to me because I know they are right but I get prideful and put up a wall being unwilling to listen), I tend to spew out things that are not helpful to the situation. I definitely am not doing what Titus 3:2 says: " speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people." This is very sad and not only because 1) I am being a poor witness to others, 2) I am hurting others who are people who are made in God's image, and 3) Ultimately and most of all I am not doing what glorifies and brings honor to God.