I have been doing poorly with my weekly belly pictures and
my facebook profile pictures. The facebook one is because the fruits/veggies
are getting weird and I don't normally buy them, so I forget when I'm at the
store to pick them up. It's lame though! And, we are without internet at home.
I will strive to take some belly pictures tonight or tomorrow though. But,
until then, I figured I could at least update my blog on what is going on.
I am 25 weeks now, or depending and hopefully could be 27
weeks! Yesterday we went to the hospital for a very uneventful but LONG
evening. I was told that it was recommend that I go in because I was having
symptoms of preterm labor that ended up being nothing, but they wanted to make
sure. And they really aren't sure what caused it either since I'm drinking tons
of water and such. But either way, everything is great and my body was just
being really achy and crampy. But what should have been a short visit turned
into a 5 hour long visit. They were busy....and they forgot about me...then
they had a shift change.....We got there at 4:15 and left at 10. Poor John and
Levi were tired and cranky. Because we had Levi with us, John and him were not
allowed to come back and sit with me (I was in triage the whole time). It was
REALLY boring. And, I saw a doctor instead of a midwife and had a lot of
residents coming in and such which I also didn't like. The cramping and such
didn't phase me as much as the baby not moving all day. That is what made me a
tad nervous. Of course, as soon as I was in the hopsital and couldn't just be
discharged, baby started moving a tiny bit and as soon as we got home, baby
decided it was time to party! Baby B was moving around so much and so hard it
hurt. lol But regardless, everything is golden.
Baby should be about 1.5 lbs (or as much as 2 pounds) and is
anywhere from 12-15 inches right now. My weight gain hasn't gone up (though it
hasn't gone down yet) for a few weeks, so I am thankful for that. I am still
over what I "should" be if I am only 25 weeks, but right where I
should be if I'm 27. lol I have noticed I am a bit more hormonal lately. But
because I am aware of it, I am able to fix it or at least explain to John that
there is no real reason I am crying. I also notice this time around that the
heat bothers me a lot more than it did with Levi, but with Levi I was only
about 18 weeks in August where as this time around, I am about 10 weeks
ahead....I think? So, maybe because I'm "more pregnant" during the
hot weather, I'm noticing it more.
I am taking a bit of a break on exercising and not gonna
lie, I feel really guilty and lazy, but I have been having a lot of cramping and
braxton hicks, so I figured it is best to just take a break for a bit. John has
been telling me I've been working out too much. I don't think I have been, but
I am okay with a break. I feel bittersweet about it. Getting on a scale freaks
me out even more now though.
It seems like Baby B is still sideways. I only ever feel
movements down below and on either side. My placenta is really high though so
they said that may be why I never feel movements up top. I just assumed that
Baby was strong enough to kick so that I would feel it through the placenta;
obviously not.
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