As you guys know, I get anxious and excited and do things really early, especially packing. This pregnancy is no different. I am 30 weeks and guess what, my hospital bag is basically packed. I am asking for a few nursing shirts, comfy yoga pants, and some cute and comfy slip on shoes for Christmas, but in case I don't get them, I went ahead and packed what I do have and I will be 37 weeks at Christmas, so just in case I go super early. I have gone almost a week early (5 days to be exact with BOTH previous pregnancies), but each pregnancy is different and I am trying to not get my hopes up. :) Anywho, so here are pictures I took of my hospital bag stuff.
So the first thing I did was right out a list. I love lists. I wrote out everything I wanted to pack. Most of it is the same as last time with one big exception, I have been reading a lot about women using Depends or something like them for the first few days of post partum bleeding. Their reason is because with Depends, you do not have to worry about leaking. Sorry for the TMI, but with Jahs my second, my first bathroom trip the mesh underwear fell off and the pad fell out because it wouldn't stick or stay in place. I had to have a nurse come help me clean up. It was humbling and gross to say the least. I love having the mesh undies because I don't have to worry about getting mine gross, but they are always big on me and the pads never stay in place for me. So, I added depends on my list and I won't lie, I am excited to see if they work because then I can sit comfortably and when I get up, I don't have to worry about if my butt is all bloody especially when guest come to visit. I HATE worrying about that! Even with Aunt Flow I get nervous about that. This just puts my mind at ease. We'll see if they work! I'll try to remember to do an update on this post after I deliver to let you know my thoughts. Also, I am not sure how many I should bring to the hospital, how often you change them, etc. I can't find any of that info. online. I can only find women saying to use them. So I'd like to put a "review" afterwards for women like me who want to try them but don't know the "details." lol Now, I did get a different brand that was cheaper. I bought Tena's super absorbency ones. Also, I ordered a free sample of depends off of the Depends website and I am going to compare the fit of the two brands. I just bought a pack of 18 of the Tena's and it sounds like that will be more than enough. If not, I've had two kids without them and I also have pads.

This is parking instructions or reminders. Last time there was some issues with parking and I don't think there will be at all this time. In fact, I am very confident my hubby has it handled, but I like writing stuff out. Again...I get anxious and excited. This is my way of keeping myself busy I guess. One thing was that he parked the car right outside the door, took me up, then had to go back down to park. It worked out fine, but we wait until the last minute to go to the hospital (On purpose) so if this labor happens faster, it is nice to know the details of Valet and such just in case we choose to use that instead.

I went out and got some travel size toiletries AND I had lost my blue water bottle and found it. I was so thrilled! The reason I like it so much is because I just suck the water out instead of having to tip it up. This is so nice for labor and for nursing. Just so much easier! John makes fun of me because he says straw cups are for kids, but I don't care, I LOVE it. I was devastated when I lost it (I had it i the kids' stroller and since it has gotten colder, I haven't used it in a while....I just so happened to be cleaning and had to move their stroller and found it! Yay!!)
So this picture is of my "Shower bag" as the note clearly states. I didn't put labels on stuff last time and I don't know if they are necessary, but I put them on there so that if I need John or someone else to get something for me, I can just tell them what bag it is in or whatever. It is clearly labeled with what it is and what it contains. This one has my toiletries bag, my makeup bag, a nursing bra, nursing pads, 2 pairs of Tena's, 1 pair of socks, frizz creme for my hair, and dry shampoo. This is basically the bag I will take into the shower with me to freshen up and has anything I might need so I don't have to walk around or come back out and get something.
Just a picture of everything out. On the far left is the Tena's, a pair of cloth nursing pads, a sample pack of disposable nursing pads, a nursing bra, my frizz creme, my dry shampoo (I saw travel sizes, but they were just as expensive if not more expensive. This was under $3. So it is bigger, but it will last longer. Then the pink bag is my makeup bag, the zebra bag is all my toiletries.
So this is what is in my toiletry bag. Nothing exciting, but again I wanted to label it just in case.
Okay, so inside I have travel size mouthwash, body wash (a yummy scent that will be refreshing! my first and second baths after I had Jahs were soooo wonderful! I felt so amazing afterwards!), travel size shampoo and conditioner (again something yummy smelling so I "feel" clean lol). At home we normally use a salt rock for deodorant, but I keep this brand in my purse for times when I have forgotten to put it on or when I just notice I need to freshen up. I got one for the hospital as well as post partum sweating is no joke! The colorful bag is facial wipes I got at the dollar store. I don't normally use these and actually I don't really wash my face I just rinse it with water, but at the hospital I want something I can just freshen up with when guest come. I bought travel size toothpaste (again, we don't normally use this type we use Tom's, but for this it will work perfect), a razor just in case (I am a "I-would-rather-have-it-and-not-use-it-than-want-it-and-regret-not-bringing-it" type girl lol) and of course extra tooth brushes for hubby and myself.
Here is the contents of my makeup bag. Nothing excessive but I do like to feel frefreshed. I am a firm believer that when you get dressed and "fix" your hair or do whatever, then you mentally just feel better. For some this may or may not include makeup. For me, it includes a tiny bit. I simply have foundation, a pressed powder, concealer just in case I have breakouts, a lipstick/lip gloss, travel size perfume and lotion (again, remember me and wanting to smell clean lol I always freak out that the "lochia smell" will be smelled by others and I do NOT want that!) a dollar store mascara, eye liner, eye shadow (I really doubt I will use this, but just in case), blush, and a headband with bobby pins. ETA: Again, loved having this stuff too. I did very minimal makeup, but it made me feel fresh and like myself. Took like 5 minutes (Like I said, I did the bare minimum) and I felt sooo much better and smelled better too. lol
Now for the clothes! So the white things on the left are extra Tena's because again I can't find anything stating how many I should use. Above that is my "going home" outfit. I have a pair of maternity jeans, a blank nursing tank top, a green comfortable but cute button down cardigan, and a scar. The top middle pile is my "after delivery and shower" clothes. I have grey yoga pants (though these are not the most modest so I am hoping to get some baggier ones but like I said above, I packed them just in case. If I get new ones, these are being taken out), 2 nursing tank tops, and a comfortable blue cardigan that I have worn after every birth so far. It is comfortable and so much nicer looking than a robe. It makes me feel more human right after birth. The black pile is John's change of clothes. Then I have flip flops (I always bring them, but haven't ever needed them. We don't walk the halls because we labor at home and both hospitals we have delivered at have super nice Jacuzzi tubs so no dirty showers. But I always bring them just in case), non slip footie slippers. I have an old pair that I love. I wanted a "new" pair for the hospital. So comfortable! A sports bra that I use while I am in labor especially because I labor in the tub so I can keep a little bit of modesty and that is it for clothes. I don't bring but one nursing bra because I have the nursing tank tops that have built in bras, so that works great. I don't bring any underwear because I never wear my own while I am at the hospital. In fact, I wait a few days and just bring home the mesh panties (or this time the Tena's).
Now for baby's hospital bag, it is a little skimpy at the moment. The reason being is we are doing a gender reveal party on New Year's Eve. John does fireworks shows at my parent's house and so the last firework of the evening is going to reveal the gender of the baby. I do have SOME neutral stuff, but not much. I will be pushing 38 weeks then and I want to make sure it is packed. If I haven't gone into labor after we find out the gender, I can then repack or add "gender specific" clothes. But if not, these things will work. :) I have my boppy nursing pillow, a black nursing cover which works great since you have nurses and guests coming and giong a lot. On the bottom is a crocheted outfit that was mine and I only packed it in case we have a girl. If it is a boy, I think it is a bit too feminine for me. I have a small bag that contains scratch mittens and socks. Our WONDERFUL sleep sack swaddle! LOVE this thing! At the moment only one undershirt/onsie because the hospital provides those and they are the kind that don't go over their belly button so it doesn't get irritated. One white nightgown which makes diaper changes amazing and one sleeper that will work well for going home.
I am also packing a snack bag like I did last time. There is a cafe that is open 24/7 which is wonderful, but I like the idea of having snacks for John when I am in labor or for us while we are waiting for the food, etc. I am packing apple juice to help with the lovely post-partum constpation and so far I just have a few of John's favorite snacks. Jerky and Wheat things. I will be adding a few more things like chocolate milk (mainly for me, but I'll share. ;P), granola bars, and a few other things that I can think of. Not much, but something. I also have a few bags of Mother's Milk tea, Smooth Move Tea (again for post partum issues), and my wonderful Bath Herbs that I talk about in detail in this post.
And finally, here are my nurse thank you's. I didn't make book marks this year, instead I put candy (a cute little assorted chocolates box in there! So cute!), Ghirardelli chocolates, gum, hand sanitizer, hand lotion, and not pictured is a yummy smelling tea light candle. I am making 4 "main" ones and then I have 2-3 extra ones. Again, I cannot for the life of me remember how many nurses I ended up having. At Henry Ford West Bloomfield, you have a LDRP room, so you don't get moved, but I am not sure if that means more or less nurses or if it is the same amount. I wanted to do something. So, I am going to give these to the main nurses/midwife. I think this will be enough though, but we will see. Maybe I will buy some candy and put it in a bucket with a thank you card and have it at the entrance of our room in case I run out?
ETA: So since this is the third time around, we basically used everything we brought except I didn't wear my going home outfit. I stayed in my sweats that I brought because they were comfortable. Also, I am so glad we brought the baby Halo Swaddle Blanket. I loved using that instead of the blankets at the hospital. It was so much easier to keep Titus wrapped. That first bath is ALWAYS my favorite and once again I loved it. I loved having all of my new yummy smelling stuff. I didn't wash my hair because I had just washed it and we only stay at the hospital for 24 hours (we'd leave sooner if they'd let us lol). So there was no need for the shampoo and conditioner but I will plan on bringing it again if we have another one because I'd rather have it than not.
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