
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Reading Through Facebook

I thought it would be fun to read through facebook from when I was pregnant with Levi. It's like an online , public journal which is good, but can also be bad. Anyways, it was funny. First, I am impressed with how much I walked with Levi and I continued to walk until the day before I went into labor. I am working out doing zumba and such, but I'd like to start walking again. It is tough because of my work schedule and Levi's naps.
When I am home, he is pretty much sleeping the whole time, but I can get it together and start walking again. I am thinking of possibly starting to walk to work when the weather is nice enough for it. It is an hour walk one way, that is intimidating. I can't do it every day because I teach/tutor in the evenings right after work and won't have time to walk home to get my car, but I may be able to do it some days. I really want to do it today, but it's a long walk both ways. We shall see.

But it is fun, and it's encouraging. I want to start walking more on top of doing the rest of my workouts. It'll help my legs and it's easy and good for you. Great way to get vitamin D as well.

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