
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Edification is a Great Opportunity to Praise God

Today I was extremely happy and proud of Levi. He can be such a helper sometimes and I feel bad because I don't know if I express to him how proud I am of him or when I do, if he understands it. It made me almost feel bad and sad because I want him to know how happy I am of him. Then, I got to thinking, instead of me being so concerned about him understanding how proud I am, I should be concerned about showing him that I am thankful to God for giving him the desires, the strength, and the heart to be such a helper. I need to give GOD the glory; even when it comes to my two-year-old. He can start to understand even early on.

What a great opportunity to start introducing my son to God and His glory and show him how we need to strive to glorify God each day and grow to be more and more Christlike. And when we do “good” things, it should make us happy, not because it makes God happy, but because GOD is sanctifying us and helping us to become more like Christ. When the Holy Spirit softens our hearts and gives us the desire to willingly and joyfully help like my little man does so often, we need to be so thankful and rejoice.

I am so thankful that God has once again taught me a lesson through my son. One of the things I know I need to work on is always pointing Levi (and Jahs) to Christ. When I discipline, I need to show him that he is in need of a savior. When I praise him, I need to show him that Christ was the only perfect Man but God gives us the grace to grow each day more like him and we should rejoice. When we are out for a walk, I should show him the wonderful things God created for us to enjoy. At meal times or whenever we pray, I need to pray a heartfelt prayer to God not just the memorized “habit” prayer.

Boy, having kids sure places a lot of responsibility, but I am ever so thankful for my little mission's field God has blessed me with. :) As my good friend and mentor Miss. Diana Parker always used to say, “God rocks!”

Have a wonderful day my friends!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Holiday Reading

Wow, are the holidays over yet? Lol For our family, November to February are just busy and full of eating lots of JUNK!! Ick! November is of course Thanksgiving. December 4th is the day we went out on our first date so we celebrate that day by going to the restaurant we went to on our first date–Olive Garden. December is also of course Christmas and we celebrate Christmas with both our sides. Then New Years. Then my birthday. Then in February is our anniversary and the annual Super Bowl party. It is a blast, but holy cow, lots of food. Lol

Anywho, we had a wonderful holiday season. John and I joked that we had no fights. We were both pretty happy and grateful. Lol

Over the break, I read three amazing books by Shiela Gregorie–“The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex,” “Honey, I Don’t Have a Headache,” “To Love, Honor, and Vacuum.” The first two are absolutely amazing and really helped re-define how I think about sex. I borrowed them from the library but they were so amazing , I want to buy them to keep them on the shelf because they are definitely ones I want to read again but also because they are great go-to books.

I would highly recommend this book to any married woman (she talks to singles in the first book I mentioned, but personally, I would read it until you are married because it might cause some temptation, but that is just my opinion. Like I said, the author wrote parts specifically for singles.).

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

It's Been a While!

I have not really written in my blog in a long time. Almost two months. The biggest reason for that is since Jahs has been born and it is nap time, I take a nap too...normally. And lately that is the only time I am able to write only because it is quiet. I have just enough sanguine in me that I get distracted and I have a hard time concentrating when there is noise and playing going on around me. Lol

Sipping on a hot cup of tea and looking out the window, I am sitting here typing this post. Christmas is only a few short days away. Honestly, it feels like any old time of year this year for me. I'm not sure why and it kind of bums me out. Cindy Lou Who and I are pals this year. I am not depressed, but I am just not excited about Christmas as I normally am.

After I put the kids to bed, I was trying to motivate myself to get the house tidy again and do some laundry. After a while, I saw my Bible sitting lonely and unread on the table and the Lord convicted me. I sat down with my hot cup of tea and enjoyed some quiet time. I am doing a chronological Bible reading program and it is really interesting. Yesterday and today have been all about Jesus casting out demons and healing.

One of my biggest struggles has always been my devotions. I have no idea why. When I have days like today when I am convicted and long for the word of God, I am so grateful for that feeling. God is good. Most days it is something I know I should do, so the days where God blesses me with the desire are sweet.

Let us pray for each other and pray that God gives us opportunities to do devotions each day. When you have littles at home, sometimes it takes some creativity to carve in time, but there is always time. My prayer is that God helps me see that time like He did today. Laundry can wait. Hot tea and talks with my Lord need to come first.