
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Marriage Books

I wanted to read this new book on marriage that has come highly recommended to me:

But, my husband has challenged me to re-read some of the marriage books I already have and see what nuggets I can work on from those books. Not going to lie, I was a bit offended at first and wanted to know what books He'd read lately to help our marriage, but then I realized it's a great challange and it's always good to re-read books and see what things have been "fixed," what things you still need to work on, or what nuggets you totally didn't catch the first time around. The first book I wanted to re-read was this one called "Finding the Hero in Your Husband." It is an amazing book and basically talks about a bunch of different situations in marriage and how you can still find the hero in your husband despite those things. There is a chapter on submission and how to look at it practically. But the chapter that really touched me the most was the last chapter. It discusses how no matter how good your marriage is, it WILL go through a drought season. How we are to be an example of Christ and the church and how satan doesn't like that so he will "try" to thwart that plan. And, how when you are in a disagreement or a fight, realize there is a spiritual battle going on; it isn't just a fight between you and your spouse. It's a great book and I really recommend it!

The next book I want to finish before buying the new book is "Becoming the Woman of His Dreams." I am only on the first chapter of that one (well, re-reading the first chapter) and it is on prayer and how that is the most important thing, but most of the time, it is a last resort. Again, this is another fantastic book. Each chapter not only talks about what a guy needs/wants from the "woman of his dreams" but it also gives real quotes from guys about what they would want or what they need. 

I would highly recommend all of these books. But as "Becoming the Woman of His Dreams" pointed out, it doesn't matter how many marriage books you read or write, it's how strong your relationship with God is. It MUST be God first, always. 

What are some good books that you have read that have helped you grow? Marriage books or otherwise?

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