
Thursday, May 30, 2013

18 Weeks and Counting!

We are almost to the halfway mark! It seems crazy. I don't remember this half going by so fast with Levi, but I was telling John, I'm sure the last half will seem slower...I'm hoping not, but I have a hunch it might. I will do that questionnaire in just a second, but I have gained 12 pounds at 18 weeks and according to a tracker I have on my phone, that is 2 pounds above the high end of weight gain. Funny thing is, I feel WAY more fit this time around. My legs and butt are way more trim and firm and I can still see my abs when I flex (well I can see them above my uterus, anything at my I'm going to ask my midwife about it at the next appointment. I honestly haven't thought I've been over eating either and what we do eat, is healthy. Little to no sugar, no processed flours, etc. Though, we did just come home from an amazing Memorial weekend where we ate a TON and a lot of it was junk. So, I'm hoping those 2 pounds are from that and getting back to exercising will shake those off again....fingers crossed. My weekly picture is hard to decipher. It's kind of dark then I added that filter over it. Bad move, but I was too lazy to start over. lol Sorry... Okay, so for the questionnaire:

How far along: 18 weeks 1 day

Total Weight Gain/Weight Loss: 12 pounds!!! That is like 6 pounds since my last post! Yikes!

Maternity Clothes: I have worn them, but not because I have too. I can still fit into all my normal clothes, I just think the other clothes are cute and they are "new to me."

Stretch Marks: None so far, hoping with water and lotion I can avoid it like I did with Levi.

Sleep: Sleep is all right, I was struggling with insomnia and it was making work difficult, but it isn't so bad now. Only when I try to nap even when I am very tired do I have insomnia. And, insomnia has been better lately which is a huge blessing.

Movement: I felt the baby early this time around, but it isn't very frequent yet since it's still so small. But every once in a while, I can feel very distinct "baby moving."

Cravings: I'm not sure, I crave stuff, but like I said with the last pregnancy, it is no excuse to just cave. You have cravings whether or not you are pregnant. I do sometimes cave, but because we don't keep a lot of the stuff I crave in the house (and we don't do white flours or sugars, etc), I just have to suck it up and deal. lol

Gender: We won't know until hopefully June 6th, but we are not telling anyone right away. I BELIEVE what the plan is to get together with our family and have sort of a baby shower type thing and have everyone vote and maybe do a gender reveal in a cake or a balloon or something fun like that. :)

Labor Signs: None obviously and thank goodness! Not even braxton hicks. I can't rememeber how early those started with Levi, but it was fairly early.....I

Belly Button-In or out:  In still, it didn't "pop" until I was really late into my pregnancy with Levi.

What I miss: My body and energy. lol But I wouldn't say I miss it a ton. I am enjoying staying fit while pregnant and really my body hasn't changed that much and my energy is starting to come back.

What I am looking forward to: Finding out what sex the baby is!

And, here is the photo we posted on facebook for week 17:

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